React based plugin for cypress
React based plugin for cypress
React based plugin for cypress

Screenshot testing for modern UI's

Screenshot testing
for modern UI's

Screenshot testing for modern UI's

A free open-source tool designed to visually validate

your front-end code with ease.

A free open-source tool designed to visually validate

your front-end code with ease.

A free open-source tool designed to visually validate

your front-end code with ease.

npm install cypress-lens

npm install cypress-lens

npm install cypress-lens

Light plugin

Visually and functionally test your products.

Quick Upload

Upload your snapshots directly from GitRepository.


Easily share ready screenshots with your team.

Free Forever

CypressLens is an open source tool - completely free to use.

Light plugin

Visually and functionally test your products.

Quick Upload

Upload your snapshots directly from GitRepository.


Easily share ready screenshots with your team.

Free Forever

CypressLens is an open source tool - completely free to use.

Light plugin

Visually and functionally test your products.

Quick Upload

Upload your snapshots directly from GitRepository.


Easily share ready screenshots with your team.

Free Forever

CypressLens is an open source tool - completely free to use.

Custom pixel treshold

Tailor your test precision by incorporating a customized pixel threshold for each test.

Familiar workflow
between teams

Easily zip your test results and send them to anyone in your team for review.

Lightning fast

CypressLens runs as fast as your browser can render the tests.

Visual report

Get a complete visual report of your tests - choose between 5 different report settings. Each setting is developed with a different use case in mind, aiming to meet various products needs!

Easy to configure

A couple lines of code -

and you can see the magic!


Saves your previous tests locally,

should you need to reference them again.

Added functionality to Cypress

The ultimate plugin for Cypress that adds new visual depth to the most popular testing tool.

Custom pixel treshold

Tailor your test precision by incorporating a customized pixel threshold for each test.

Familiar workflow
between teams

Easily zip your test results and send them to anyone in your team for review.

Lightning fast

CypressLens runs as fast as your browser can render the tests.

Visual report

Get a complete visual report of your tests - choose between 5 different report settings. Each setting is developed with a different use case in mind, aiming to meet various products needs!

Easy to configure

A couple lines of code -

and you can see the magic!


Saves your previous tests locally,

should you need to reference them again.

Added functionality to Cypress

The ultimate plugin for Cypress that adds new visual depth to the most popular testing tool.

Custom pixel treshold

Tailor your test precision by incorporating a customized pixel threshold for each test.

Familiar workflow
between teams

Easily zip your test results and send them to anyone in your team for review.

Lightning fast

CypressLens runs as fast as your browser can render the tests.

Visual report

Get a complete visual report of your tests - choose between 5 different report settings. Each setting is developed with a different use case in mind, aiming to meet various products needs!

Easy to configure

A couple lines of code -

and you can see the magic!


Saves your previous tests locally,

should you need to reference them again.

Added functionality to Cypress

The ultimate plugin for Cypress that adds new visual depth to the most popular testing tool.



Your QA & FrontEnd

teams will love

working together

Your QA & FrontEnd

teams will love

working together

Your QA & FrontEnd teams
will love working together

Test your native apps, games or web pages

in a manner that's most suitable for the project.

Or just pick the one option that's most

convenient for your needs and workflow.

Test your native apps, games or web pages in a manner that's most suitable for the project.

Or just pick the one option that's most convenient for your needs and workflow.

Test your native apps, games or web pages in a manner that's most suitable for the project.

Or just pick the one option that's most convenient for your needs and workflow.


Start with Base view

Seamlessly integrated into your workflow, this tool captures snapshots of your code's visual output and compares them, ensuring pixel-perfect accuracy in every line you write.

Add the following config to your cypress.config.js file:

const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const getCompareSnapshotsPlugin = require("cypress-lens/dist/plugin");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  screenshotsFolder: "./cypress/snapshots/actual",
  trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
  video: false,
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      getCompareSnapshotsPlugin(on, config);
Enjoyable visual testing

Side by side

Catch discrepancies instantly by effortlessly comparing your front-end code's output against the original design, pixel by pixel.

spot the smallest discrepancies
spot the smallest discrepancies



Uncover the finest details with our difference-based

visual testing function. By overlaying your code's output

onto the original design, any variations are highlighted in red, ensuring you catch even the tiniest discrepancies.

Uncover the finest details with our difference-based

visual testing function. By overlaying your code's output onto the original design, any variations are highlighted in red, ensuring you catch even the tiniest discrepancies.

Uncover the finest details with our difference-based visual testing function. By overlaying your code's output onto the original design, any variations are highlighted in red, ensuring you catch even the tiniest discrepancies.

easy to use slider

Crop to see

Refine your focus using our crop-to-see feature. Slide seamlessly between the original design and your coded output, pinpointing variations that are easy to catch with a naked eye.

Refine your focus using our crop-to-see feature.

Slide seamlessly between the original design and your coded output,

pinpointing variations that are easy to catch with a naked eye.

Powerful transparency tool
Powerful transparency tool

Overlay slider

Overlay slider

Gain deeper insights with our transparency-enhanced

visual testing feature. Overlay your coded output onto the original design and adjust transparency by clicking on the slider. This allows you to spot differences and achieve meticulous alignment.

Gain deeper insights with our transparency-enhanced visual testing feature. Overlay your coded output onto the original design and adjust transparency by clicking on the slider. This allows you to spot differences and achieve meticulous alignment.

Level up your testing strategy!

Level up your testing strategy!

Level up your

testing strategy!

The ultimate solution that empowers developers

to visually validate their work.

The ultimate solution that empowers developers

to visually validate their work.

The ultimate solution that empowers developers

to visually validate their work.



Made with

by DreamShot in Sofia.

Made with

by DreamShot in Sofia.